Safe Contractor Certificate status is in recognition of reaching the SAFE contractor health & safety standards in accordance with Ability to Sub-Contract works, Deep Cleaning, Internal Air Quality Testing, Kitchen Equipment Cleaning, Other work activity, Water Quality Testing, Water Treatment, Kitchen Extract Cleaning, Ventilation System Cleaning, Kitchen Equipment Cleaning, Other work activity, Water Quality Testing, Water Treatment, Kitchen Extract Cleaning, Ventilation System Cleaning.

Construction Line
This certifies that Surevent have met pre qualification requirements appropriate to public and private sector procurement. Approved work categories with corresponding notation values, specialisms or categories as applicable, Heating & Ventilation, Potable Water & Waste Treatment, Tanks & Associated Services.
Legionella Control Association
Legislative requirements for the control of Legionellosis put the responsibility for compliance clearly with the owner/operator of water systems. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations as regards risks from legionellosis, all owner and operators of buildings have a responsibility to ensure that the risk is controlled and kept to an acceptable level. The HSC’s Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (L8) stresses that whilst the tasks required to be undertaken to control the risk may be contracted to an external specialist, the owner/operator must take all reasonable care to ensure the competence of the service provider to carry out the work on their behalf.
A copy of the LCA code of conduct is available here / A copy of our LCA Certificate is available here.

B&ES Association members are required to demonstrate the competence of their business through an independent inspection and assessment against clearly defined technical and non-technical standards. Surevent has been active within the Ventilation Hygiene Group Branch, assisting in the development, editing and updating of TR/17 and TR/19, the UK’s recognised industry benchmark for ventilation system cleanliness.

Surevent are very proud to be an approved Highfield training centre. Highfield are a global leader in compliance and work-based learning and apprenticeship qualifications and one of the UK’s most recognisable awarding organisations. As such they are regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, SQA Accreditation, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), and the Security Industry Authority (SIA).